
Too cold to go out, too lazy to do taxes

Ever have one of those days when useless bits of information swim to the surface of your brain and refuse to dislodge? It was too cold to go out and I was too strung out to do my taxes, so I began to clean up emails (1074 of them) and noticed how much useless flotsam I was convinced I needed. For instance, the Julian calendar date for my birthday (July 29, 1930) is 2426186.5. Why would anyone in their right mind think this was worth saving?

Or this tidbit: you know when you try to pull some aluminum foil or saran wrap out of the box and the roll pops out -- On the end of the box it says, “Press here to lock end”.
Right there on the end of the box is a tab to lock the roll in place.
How long has this little locking tab been there? Now I ask you, how often am I even going to pull some aluminum foil out of a box? And more importantly, who cares?

I have so many hints, tips and little known cures saved for my children on my computer that they will know I was declining rapidly the last 1074 emails and they were unaware of it until I posted it today. I am going to sort my emails by "last" first, close my eyes and hit "Delete all" on each page until I am down to a manageable 100 or so. Since they date back to 2004, if I deleted anything important, I imagine it won't matter any more.

My husband always said, "I've never thrown away anything I thought was important, until I threw something away and lived to regret it.

On to the email deletion process, can taxes be far behind?