
Movies and More Than I Bargained for

Sometimes just going to a movie is worse than the movie itself. Mart, Chris and I went to the Wherenberg theatre last week. While waiting in the lobby for them to get the tickets, I noticed tables were set up for children to get fingerprinted for the kids' ID program. There were several people dressed in costumes, I guess to make the kids feel like it was a fun activity.

Waiting patiently for Mart and Chris, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see this old geezer, dressed as a baby, only inches from my face. In a conspirator's whisper, he took my hand and said, "I'll bet you would like some candy". With that, he dumped a fistful of candy in my hand. "No, thank you, but I don't eat candy", I said rather frostily. "Give it up for Lent did you?", he asked. "Yes" was my short reply. "Well you are a good Catholic woman and you sure are darn cute", he responded.

Oh my dear sweet heaven, not only was I being bribed with a fistful of candy, but this guy dressed as a baby was hitting on me.

I saw with relief that Mart and Chris were coming in with the tickets and as we made our way to the ticket taker, "Baby" rushed over again and leaned over and tried to take my hand in his and said, "You really are darn cute".

If I ever hear the phrase again "Like taking candy from a baby" it will forever remind me of this episode. What movie could possibly compare with this?



If anyone can mess up a blog, I can. The last post I did, I changed my prim picture to what I thought was my original picture "mom in cap", but when I posted it and "viewed blog", much to my horror and chagrin, my original picture was about a gazillion sizes too big and covered the entire top half of what I wrote.

Not only was my face endeavoring to eat the entire post in one big gulp, but it showed every blemish, flaw and unsightly feature of my face, up close and personal. So I did what any self-respecting blogger would do, I deleted the entire post forever. So my "memories are made of this" no longer exists and if I try (and I did try 4 times to find it) apparently I no longer existed either!

So to my dear granddaughters who reminded me that they had taken me to a show and spent the evening with me just a few nights before I complained about being lonely, I do apologize. And to those who were confused about my picture being the same instead of a new one, I'm sorry. I will go back and study Blogspot101 yet again.


A more dignified image, but not more fun

I was inspired to change my profile somewhat by a fellow blogger's changes in her blog. But I found that I look too dignified and anyone who knows me, would never call me that. Besides, I look so old! Who is that silver-haired stranger?

I plan to change my picture back whenever I get time, but gathering information together for the "TL" (tax lady) is a chore, with no one helping me to get everything together. Thank goodness I have Quicken or I'd never get my taxes done.

Mary and Kevin will be back tomorrow, thank goodness. I have really been in a funk since they left. For seven people living here, I might as well be on a desert island. When Joe is off work, I never lay eyes on either one of them. Everyone is working except Chris who has the Hannah Montana show memorized word for word in case she ever has a test to become an understudy. I'm pretty much on my own every day and most nights.

I know I shouldn't complain though, especially with Spring coming. I can hardly wait. It's my favorite time of year with days getting lighter and vacation to FL coming up. When taxes are done I'll feel a lot better. For some reason, I really dislike giving so much money to the government, but on the other hand I have enough to pay my taxes and still keep my home.

Now, where did I put that original picture?


Travailin' to Bucyrus

Did I just say "Travailin?" What a slip of the tongue, but too true. February 17, C and I arrived at the airport at 2:10 for a flight to Bucyrus which was departing at 3:35. Plenty of time, I assumed, even going through security and checking our bags would give us an hour and 20 minutes.

I remove my cape, shoes, jacket, cell phone and blue tooth and deposit them in the gray tray. I reach for my carry-on and add that to the tray. I look back to see how C is faring, only to see her standing there, apparently fascinated with the shedding of all the "stuff" I have. "Chris take off your shoes, your purse, your jacket and sweater and put them in the bin", I growled. Yes, I growled at her.

She tried slipping off her coat while wearing her purse, but finally figured that out, removed her purse from over her shoulder, and began working on getting shoes, sweater, jacket, and her wallet ready and stood there and held them as if someone was going to steal them. "Put them in the bin", I told her as she gazed around. By this time, there are three people ahead of her.

I was being wheeled through security to be patted down and finally see Chris ready to go through security. "May I look in your bag?" the security guy asked. "I guess so", Chris meekly responded. He opened the bag and pulled out a 12 oz. bottle of shampoo. "What's this?. he asked. "My shampoo", she replied. "You can't carry a bottle that size on board". "It's for my scalp, a special shampoo", said Chris tearfully. "Well, I have to test it" and he proceeded to pour some out and take it over to be be scanned.

Now it's 2:40. I am sitting waiting, no shoes on, with all my belongings in a bin and finally hear him say, "Okay, you can go now". Chris picks up her suitcase and everything promptly falls out, as Mr. Security didn't zip her bag closed and Chris didn't check. Arggh! Some kind people helped her repack her carry-on and finally we get all our belongings in one spot. I get my shoes on, grab my cape, put on my jacket, retrieve my cell phone and blue tooth and Chris has on one shoe. By the time she is ready and has tied my shoes, it is 2:55. "Hurry, Chris we have to check in", I tell her. "But I haven't eaten all day", she whined. I ignore her and keep going to the check-in desk. We have our boarding passes, but need a pre-boarding pass and must get my wheelchair checked in. I also need to use a bathroom by this time.

Of course it's the last gate we are going to. Chris gets me down to the gate to preboard, but has spied a bagel place on the way to the gate. "Chris, we don't have time", I say. It's only 3:10 and I'll run", she says. She leaves her carry-on, my cane, my carry-on and cape and takes off . . . and now people are disembarking and the Flight Attendant is telling people to start lining up . . . and no Chris!

Now the first person is pre-boarding, and I look at all our belongings and think "There is no way I can do this!" Ah, there's Chris coming. Oh, wait she stopped, despite my beckoning her to run. And what's that she's eating? A blueberry muffin? "Chris", I yell in exasparation, "Put that away until we get on the plane".

Stuffing the muffin into my carry-on, she finally manages to get our stuff, just in time for us to pre-board. It took her 10 minutes to get us buckled in at which time they were already taking off. My heart is finally returning to normal and then Chris says, "Can I have my muffin now"? I fish my bag out with my feet, get it open and, big mistake, hand her the muffin. It took her 45 minutes to pick it apart, spilling crumbs every time she picked at it. So much more happened, but the worst for me was when I turned on my Kindle to read my new downloaded book, it said it needed to be charged. I read Sky Miles the rest of the trip and tried to pretend I didn't know the woman sitting next to me. I hope Mary and Kevin have a great flight to Hawaii!